Sunday, 8 July 2012

Anything for a story

Hi All -
This weeks updates include the construction site and a draft layout of half the table

Construction site now finished -

A few figures (by Huw)

Every Zombie game must have one!

To be Frank (bit shameless really!)

More to follow......keep to this channel


  1. Wow, very nice! That construction site is especially good.

  2. Great looking table and miniatures. That construction site looks brilliant

  3. Looking good :-D

    Where did you get the crane from?

  4. Great looking set-up.
    The construction(or even demolition ?) site is a great idea too.

  5. Crane is from Argos (UK) from a toy construction set just added the base and platform sprayed black then dark red, dry brushed grey and brown, cables are painted steel and then stuck on some stripes and a final dry brush of light grey.

  6. Hello Super Looking Game Well Done Sir! Looks Real ! Grey in Va

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