Sunday, 15 January 2012

28 minutes later - A Zombie game in the making

28 minutes later is my first attempt at a blog.......
It is really an on going update for the game that the Wednesday Night Warriors (WNW) will be putting on at the COLOURS wargames show at Newbury racecourse in September 2012
So far.....some of the work in progress


  1. Very nice, dramatic pics. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress on this project.

  2. Love the hummers ... where did you get them from? I need some more, so would be interested to know

  3. Hummers are from Poundland in the UK
    They do 3 types - Army, Police and Fire Brigade. The ones in the photos are the Fire brigade ones painted yellow, bio hazard signs added and then dry brushed.
